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Annual Membership Ticket 2024/2025 (pack of 10)

Standard edition

Annual Membership Ticket 2024/2025 (pack of 10)

Standard edition

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Pack of 10


Publisher: Methodist Publishing
Published: 11/07/2024

Pack of 10 annual membership cards.

The calling of the Methodist Church is to respond to the gospel of God's love in Christ and to live out its discipleship in worship and mission.

The membership ticket helps to serve as a reminder of the commitments we each undertake as members of the Methodist Church. The cover design is inspired by this year's presidential theme of Praise and Protest. 

In her song of praise, the ‘Magnificat’ (Luke 1:46-55), Mary thanks God for the child Jesus, who will announce God’s kingdom which “brings down the powerful from their thrones and lifts up the lowly.” 

Praise and protest cannot be separated because God does not separate them. Methodists, now and in the past, have challenged injustice, worked for change and supported people experiencing injustices.