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A Methodist Way of Life

A Methodist Way Of Life (MWOL) expands the Methodist Church’s core Our Calling statement, and provides a rhythm to live life. There are twelve practices that will help us mature as disciples, welcome others into the church community, and be part of a missional church together.

The twelve core practices of a Methodist Way of Life are represented by stations. All of them are ways for new people to be drawn into the life of discipleship.

If the cost of purchasing these resources is a barrier for your church community, please talk to the Evangelism and Growth Team (evangelism@methodistchurch.org.uk).

If you are looking for the original MWOL resources, please click here.

A Methodist Way of Life
A Methodist Way of Life Pocket Guide
A Methodist Way of Life postcard set
A Methodist Way of Life coasters (pack of 125)
A Methodist Way of Life Pocket Guide - braille edition
Ffordd Fethodistaidd o Fyw - Yn Gryno
A Methodist Way of Life badges - Worship
A Methodist Way of Life badges - Notice