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JMA and Rainbow

Resources for Connexional Year 2024/2025

Rainbow magazine, summer/autumn 2024 - listed below

Rainbow magazine, winter/spring 2024 - listed below

JMA Commissioning Service 2024 - download

JMA 2024 badges - listed below

JMA saving box - make your own PDF

JMA stickers - listed below

JMA Thank You Certificate (English) - listed below

JMA Thank You Certificate (Welsh) - listed below

JMA Long Service Certificate - listed below

For downloadable resources and videos and previous editions of the Rainbow magazines, please visit the Methodist Church website: methodist.org.uk/jma

Make your own saving box
As the Methodist Church is committed to the environment, why not make your own JMA Saving Box by reusing, recycling or repurposing material from your home to make a new box. And using the new JMA stickers to decorate it.

Can't find what you're looking for? 
All other downloadable JMA resources including the JMA Record Sheet can be found on the Methodist Church website


Junior Mission for All (JMA) is a fun way of encouraging children and young people to engage with God’s mission in Britain and throughout the world. Annual resources help support JMA members including the Rainbow magazine which brings news and stories from Partner Churches around the world, plus games and activities. Members are also asked to pray for the people they read or hear about and to serve by collecting and raising money from friends at church and elsewhere.


Caring for people around us, globally

The Methodist Way of Life commitment for Learning and Caring includes that 'We will care for ourselves and those around us' . And as we are part of a global Methodist community this particular commitment allows us to think about caring for those around us, globally.

As Methodists, we believe in learning and caring as part of our discipleship and there are plenty of opportunities for us to support the Church whether that’s in prayer, the giving of our time or the giving of our money.

The World Mission Fund (WMF) supports projects and individuals around the world and this work is only made possible by kind donations.

Donation boxes, collection record books and annual challenge charts have been discontinued.

For any queries about these products, please email: fundraising@methodistchurch.org.uk

JMA work continues and you are part of a global Methodist community.

JMA and Rainbow
JMA: 2024 Rainbow Badge
JMA collection envelope
I Support JMA stickers
JMA Thank You certificate
JMA long service certificate
JMA Commissioning Service Sheet
JMA: 2023 Rainbow Badge

JMA: 2023 Rainbow Badge

Enamel badge


JMA: 2022 Rainbow Badge
JMA Prayer card
JMA: 2021 Rainbow Badge
JMA: 2020 Rainbow Badge